You Are Gold, Baby

Rev. Andrea Arlington


Yes, it’s true you are gold! Gold actually makes up about 0.02% of human blood. Gold runs through your body all day long as your heart pumps two hundred gallons of blood through your veins every day!

For most of my life, my self-perception had been unconsciously cruel and unkind. From the time I was little I had formed beliefs about myself that were based on how I felt in relationship to my family members. Now, from my adult perspective I imagine that my parents lived with a similar self-perception in response to their own family of origin.

As adults we are able to investigate the beliefs we inherited from our family of origin and or significant others in our life which unconsciously have created the experience we have in every area of our life. If I could, I would announce from the highest rooftops around the world, “Wake up to a greater truth of who you are!” It is the most empowering thing we can do for ourself!

How do we do this? We look at the effects and conditions in our life and we trace them back to the beliefs that cause us to act the way we do, the things we say, how we relate to others, and the choices and emotions we experience, all of which lead to the conditions we have and we ask ourself, “Is this really true?” If it’s not true (and trust me so much of it is not) then it is a lie! If we believe the lie, what does that make us?

I don’t know about your life, but my life was built on a lot of beliefs that were not true about me but that I had inherited and believed without question. When I finally realized I was living a bunch of lies, it was real clear to me that I didn’t wanted to be a liar, (unconscious or not) and so I questioned everything and reframed my beliefs and began to live with greater truths about who I am.

As a result I am living a better life feeling empowered and inspired and it gets better all the time as I continue to question everything! 

Remember, YOU ARE GOLD baby!


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