Consciousness Studies Year Two - Entire Year Series - 2022-2023



Classes in this series include:

“The Secret of Success” - Rev. Dale Olansky - 9/12-11/14
”The Mystical Universe” - Dr. Lori Savage - 11/28-1/23
”Creative Freedom” - Rev. Liza Dale Olansky - 2/6-3/27
”The Quantum Activist” - Dr. James Mellon - 4/19-6/5

  • Classes online, 6p-8:30p

$580 for entire year ($145 per each 8-week class)

NOTE: Alternatively, you can sign up for each 8-week class individually, at the price of $160 each. Return to the CLASSES PAGE and select the individual class you are interested in.





Q: Is there a difference between the Year Two series and “The Secret of Success” class? Which should I take?
A: “The Secret of Success” class is the first of four classes in the Year Two series. If you are certain you want to take all four classes, you will save $60 by signing up for the Year Two series now. If you want to start by taking this “The Secret of Success,” you can signup here.

Q: Are there any requirements to take the Year Two series?
A: Students should have completed Consciouness Studies Year One or received prior approval from Dr. James Mellon or Rev. Dale Olansky.

Q: Who should take these classes?
A: These classes will help you step back and observe situations objectively, and then act on inspiration instead of emotion. Many people take classes like this to improve their lives. If you are inspired to continue your educational journey later, this accredited class will be a perfect stepping stone.

Q: What if I can’t make every class? Will I still receive credit?
A: You will receive class accreditation as long as you attend 6 of the 8 classes for each course, and complete all assigned work. See your instructor for details.

Q: How much “homework” is involved with the class?
A: Everyone’s journey is unique, and your experience will depend on personal factors like reading, writing and openess to exploring your inner self. That said, most students find 2-4 hours a week outside of class is sufficent for class assignments.

Q: What are the assigned books or readings?
A: The instructor will tell you in advance of each class what books are required. For “The Secret of Success,” the readings are “The Science of Mind” and “The Seminar Lectures” by Dr. Ernest Holmes and “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. For “The Mystical Universe” class, readings include “The Science of Mind” by Ernest Holmes and “The Elegant Universe” by Brian Green. For the “Creative Freedom” class readings include “The Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer and “The God Equation” by Michio Kaku. Readings for “The Quantum Activist” class are TBD.

Q: Please explain the accreditation process.
A: For students interested in pursuing a practitioner or ministerial license, this class will provide curriculum credits with the Emerson Theological Institute, should you wish to pursue that path.