What Does Science of Mind Teach?


In a sometimes bewildering spiritual forest containing modern versions of ancient wisdom, new age teachings and time honored Judeo-Christian religions, people may find their way to the writings of Ernest Holmes and wonder, what does Science of Mind teach?

Science of Mind keeps it simple: We live in a Universe that is intelligent, we are made of that same intelligence and we can access that power and energy to create our own individual lives and communities.

The sense of Oneness that we all experience gives rise to an awareness of ourselves that resides both inside of us and in the world around us. Science of Mind shares that understanding and celebrates our unique human spirit in all its expressions. There is not a set of guidelines as much as a community that explores the nature of life using a foundation of spiritual philosophy owing to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward and Ernest Holmes. 

Through the wisdom of ministers, teachers and practitioners, the community can grow in the understanding that each one of us can choose to redesign our lives and core beliefs to reflect new requirements and dreams for change, expansion and expression. It is our birthright to enjoy this life, and we all need inspiration to more fully participate in that new idea.

The access to tap into the pure creative energy, the Oneness, is also the basis for the Science of Mind Treatment, which is an active retuning and centering practice.

This practice allows us to connect with the natural energy that sustains us and is ours to command. Ernest Holmes said there is a “power in the Universe, and it is ours to use.” He extensively wrote and spoke in his lifetime and enriched millions of people, with his message that power is ever present and evolving. It meets you at the same level that you require. 

It is not necessarily about having more, or doing great things (and hey, why not embrace those aspects of life as well!) but perhaps more about being in alignment with your passion, purpose and creating a life with that understanding as a guiding light. The beauty of a philosophy that recognizes our true nature as equal to the natural world itself, is that we grow into the teaching, it lives in us, as us. No middleman is necessary. All we need is the reminder that we already know what’s true for ourselves and a little encouragement to dig deeper.

Rev. Kevin Roesch

Kevin is a minister with Global Truth Center. Live music, horses and Oneness awareness have an interest in him. He loves to work with people who want to invite quantum understanding into wholeness integration. He can be reached at kevroesch@iCloud.com.


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