Audacious Living

Dr. Liza Marquez


Six weeks into 2024 … are you experiencing the MORE? And, by MORE I mean “My Own Reality Expressed.” Have you been expressing more of yourself into existence? Have you allowed your consciousness to inform the world, or have you allowed the world to inform your consciousness.

Either way, understand that it is you that is allowing the choice, whether you are conscious of it or not. I am reminded of the Ernest Holmes quote: “A trained mind is far more powerful than an untrained mind.”

You see, either way, the mind is powerful, and yet it is ‘far MORE powerful’ when it is trained. And, that training is either done by you, or someone/s else (through conditioning). Whose MORE would you like to experience? Yours or others?  

I remember hearing Abraham-Hicks once say, “you came to RADIATE the fullness of who you are” and it stuck with me. As individualized expressions of the One Intelligent and Divine Source we are here to shine out into the universe, into the field of pure potentiality, what it means to be GOD … Greatness On Demand.  This does not separate us from the body of Oneness, it simply allows us to express our universal fingerprint and add to the expansion of Source.

So, how do we ‘radiate,’ how do we train our minds so that the power we use is the power we chose? It starts by knowing who we are…at every moment. I AM THE INFINITE AND EXPANSIVE ENERGY! I AM GOD! Simple and yet, try remembering who you are on the 405 during rush hour; or when you’re facing mounds of debt; or when feeling that the perfect partner eludes you (happy Valentine Day.) And still, in the face of these relative situations, this is EXACTLY when you need to remember who you are! 

“Between God and me there is no ‘Between.’” Meister Ekhart’s quote reminds us that we are One as God, there is no God AND. There is no me, my bills, and God. There is no me, my responsibilities, God. There is ONLY God. Because there is ONLY God, we have the option of keeping our energy on fear, doubt or worry seemingly being separate from God; or we chose the Truth, that we are God’s limitless Source, unstoppable at every turn! When we choose Truth, we are powerfully creating our world and audaciously living our MORE not just in 2024!

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life but define yourself.”
― Harvey Fierstein


“Please, Sir, I Want To Be The More”