Make It Good!


Dr. James Mellon

James Mellon talk Make It Good

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  • So, life is what you make it. How do you feel about that? Really, you're like,, right row. That's that's the real answer. So life is what you make it? Isn't that what we teach? Isn't that what we teach?

    Isn't that what we teach? Right? So life is what you make it. So you can bitch about it. Because you've made it. Yes. Now that was a lesser Yes.

    So no, you can't, you really can't complain about life. Because your life, your individual life, right, your your, your, your part of your individual life you made. Now you didn't make anything outside of yourself, except you did in some ethereal way. But in your own individual life, you make what you make out of your life, regardless of what is going on. Yes.

    I'm loving. It's like. So the title of my talk today is this. If life is what you make it, oh, I'm doing the slides. Make the slides work. If life is what you make it make it good.

    Am I right? So if life is what you make it make it good. So I want to start with an Ernest Holmes quote. So here we go.

    "The storehouse of nature is filled with infinite good." Do you believe that? Yes, that was better. So the storehouse of nature, what that means is in the quantum field, in this beautiful energy of life that we're all living, there is this infinite good available to all of us, Ernest Holmes says, there's a power for good in the universe. And you can use it. And I say, you can use it because you are it. So "The storehouse of nature is filled with infinite good, awaiting the touch of our awakened thought to spring forth into manifestation in our lives."

    So there's all of this infinite good. And it takes your mind to manifest faster into your life. Pretty simple, right? It takes how you think about things. So let me ask you, have you been thinking about things lately?Love that great, good. But however, you've been thinking, what about this side? I'm worried.

    How have you been thinking about things, it's really important to really look at, yeah, and that's what happens. Sometimes everything's great, everything sucks. And we're in the middle. And we're telling the universe, we don't know. So it's a waiting to touch. Now look at this, of our awakened thought. So I'm talking about the thoughts that are true. The thoughts that come from a higher level of consciousness, which means they are not reactive thoughts. They are creative thoughts.

    And he goes on. Once you're happy, I broke this down and didn't just throw that huge quote up at you. So the storehouse of nature is filled with infinite good, we're all good, but that awaiting the touch of our awakened thought to spring forth into manifestation in our lives. But the awakening must within our thought must be, but the awakening must be within our thought. And for me, while this is a great quote of ernest holmes,

    it doesn't go deep enough. Because the awakening is not just in your thought the awakening must be in your heart, the awakening must be in your mind, it must be what you believe. It must be what you literally embody. Because that's where your thoughts come from. So where we've come to now in this teaching is on this quantum field, understanding that everything is reactionary, what you do with your mind, the universe reacts to, you show up with fear, fear, that energy of fear will show up in your perimeter, you show up with love only. And that energy of love will be right where you are, no matter what. That's what we teach. Now, if that's what we teach, is that what we're believing? Are we really believing this in every area of our life?

    So here's the next quote of Ernest Holmes, "Within us is a mental law, working out the will and purposes of our conscious thoughts."

    Now, it's not that it's within us, it's who you are. You are the law as well. We've come to realize we are all this is one thing. We compartmentalize it to understand it better. But within you as you who you are, is someone whose word is the law of your life. What you think

    I think sets the trajectory for how you will experience life. So when we're talking about prosperity, if you are not experiencing prosperity, Houston, you have a problem.

    And the problem is your mind and your heart, and what you're believing. It's that simple. And I say that all the time, people get really annoyed with me. They're like, it may be simple to you. But it's not that simple. It is that simple. We just make it harder by believing it's harder. It's really that simple. Are you willing to curate your mind your thoughts? In order to believe what you want to believe in order to live the life you want to live? It is that simple. So the problem is, in this quote, conscious thoughts.

    We break the mind into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In your subconscious mind, you have an infinite number of beliefs and memories and thoughts. Some of you have been here a long time.

    Nobody's laughing, okay. So some of you have been here a long time. And some of you not so long, Emily, who's 23. So think about all that you've accumulated up to this point. That's all in your subconscious. Your subconscious is pushing up against your conscious. So very often, those subconscious beliefs and thoughts are really running the show.

    How can you change that by using your conscious mind to change it? It's not about going in and figuring out why do I feel this way? What's happening? What am I believes? Yes, that's all great work. But at the end of the day, the real work gets done. Once you've done the research. Now you got to do the work, the real work. So what is the nature? As he says here? Your conscious thought? What is the nature of your conscious thoughts? When you think, what's the nature of the way you think, Robbie, do you think positive things? Yeah, right. Do you think constructive things, Dr. Tiffani?

    Most of the time, and there's the rub, isn't it? Most of the time, if most of the times good, then most of the time, you're going to have a better experience of life. But what if you're one of those people? That's like 50/50. Half the time I'm thinking drama, half the time, I'm thinking peace of mind? Or what if you're one of those people who's 60/40, 60% of the time, you're always worrying that you and four and 40% of the time I heard her How old are you? Lexi? The eight year old just said that's me. Nine. So I had this great quote this week, Eric Bork mentioned a book and I started reading it. And it's this great thing some grandmother calls up their grandchild and says "Start worrying, details to follow."

    Jewish grandmother probably so no, Catholics are good that too. So So are you one of those people start worrying details will follow? Because that's what you are setting up for your life.

    So I want to talk to you about the weather. Seriously, how do you handle the weather? How did you all handle this last weather? Robbie, I know how you handled it, Robbie had a little flood into one of his closets. And so he spent how many hours -- three or four hours cleaning out clearing out the water in his closet. You know, so that was how he was handling, handling physically, physically handling the weather.

    So just think for a moment. How do you handle shifts in energy? How do you handle the weather? When it goes from stormy to rainy to sunshine? Do this? Does it change you?

    So I want to give you my story about how I handled the weather. So Kevin was off in Texas having a beautiful time with no problem weather at all. And I was here with our two dogs who would look outside, I'd opened the door ready to take them on a walk. And they'd look at me like no, we're not going out in that. And I was like, well then good luck because you don't have a toilet in this house. And then they finally did go out and literally the entire time they were just like miserable the whole kind of the way you walked up here. They were really like really not having it.

    But after that huge rainstorm. On the other night. I got up and I thought there was no rain for a minute. I thought let's get him out, get him out. So I get all my rain gear out and I take them out and I walk out the door. And what I noticed is that a lot of trees have fallen down. And my own pine trees had really a lot of the branches had broken and then filled the whole street with branches, big branches.

    So I was like oh, and then I took the dogs for a walk. But as I was coming back I saw a car come up the street and then back up because it couldn't get past all the branches from my pine trees. And in my head I'm like, I hope somebody cleans that up.

    And, and I walked into the house. And as I got into the house, I was like, you have to clean it up. And I'm like talking to myself like me. Where's Kevin? Exactly. I was like, Oh, I see, by default, I have to clean it up. So I went outside. And I started picking up these huge branches and putting them over on the curb and then cutting them in pieces. And because when I started to do something, I really do it. And then I noticed that if I clean up my trees, some of my trees have landed down by these two houses, and some have landed on these houses. In my head, I was like, surely they'll come out and clean their houses. And I was like, Well, it's my tree. So I just kept doing it.

    But I want to show you a picture of that's kind of what's left of the one pine tree. And we have like six pine trees on our property. But it's beautiful. When you look up, it's just beautiful. And it was such blue skies at that particular moment. So I'm cleaning this whole thing up. And as I get about halfway done, now I've got the Clippers out. And I'm chopping them into little pieces of making a perfect pristine little pile right in front of my house. And I'm, and one of my neighbors came out and said, You don't need to sweep my street, I went, I've had this. I was like so into it at this point. In fact, you'll see because I took a picture of myself

    I forgot that my son was home, I could have asked him to help. But he was taking a shower. So he came out and I took this picture of me he was like dead. You look like so Butch. I was like, you know, I really I'm getting over this idea that my clothes decide if I am Butch or not. I am Butch. And that's all there is to it. Don't you laugh so loud, Joe. Joe actually threw his head back and laughed.

    So anyway, so but now not just telling you this because it wasn't funny story for me. I had a huge aha, as I was standing there. And I really did clean every man really made such a beautiful, neat pile of it all. But halfway through is I'm picking up these these branches and cut chopping them and I looked up and I saw the tree. And I thought I bet the tree doesn't care that some of its branches fell off. It is right now glanced glistening. I mean, look at that. Just glistening, glittering in the sunlight. And I am down on the ground, chopping up pieces of what it had to go through. And I had this huge aha about my life about all of our lives in terms of weather.

    How do we deal with the weather of our lives? And what I mean by that is, how do we deal with the things that come up in our lives. They're like these branches that fall down. And we do have to deal with them. Because if I did not clean these up, I'm sure I would have heard it from some neighbors saying, No one can get down our street. No one can get down our street, nothing can come through. If you are that cluttered. If everything that breaks or breaks you or looks like it could break you stays right where it is, then nothing can move forward.

    This is what I'm doing on the street when I'm cleaning. But I had this big aha and I literally stood there looking up at all of our trees thinking you have let go of what you needed to let go of and moved on living in this magnificent magnificent city that they live in, and in this beautiful sky. So once the weather subsides, are you still down on the street with the broken pieces? Or are you standing tall, like the tree moving on? Clean it up and move on. That's what I got.

    And what that means is every aspect of my life when we say love only forgive everything that's part of clean it up and move on. Are you still holding on to anything that is stopping the flow of your energy, your lifeforce and if you do remember who you are, you are going to know without a shadow of a doubt that you are constantly moving on. Life is changing, as the song says in rolling river God.

    Life is about change. But to clean it apart is also very, very important. So I have a quote here from Walt Disney. "The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing"

    So if if Walt Disney had been just a talker, we wouldn't have Disneyland. We wouldn't have had Mickey Mouse you wouldn't have had a job. I mean, think about it. Walt Disney was not just a talker. He was one of the great action years of our generation.

    And there are many people I could talk about who are amazing thinkers, but not just amazing thinkers, they're amazing doers. So when we talk about prosperity, our job is to ask ourselves, are we doing what we're here to do? And are we willing to clean it up and move on? All the things in your life that need Clean up, clean up on Iommi, clean up, And most importantly, move on.

    So, Euripides said, "This much effort, much prosperity." You want a prosperous life, you really want to prosper prosperous life, clean up what you need to clean up, to allow the energy to flow through, clean it up, and then watch as it moves on. It could be relationships, it could be beliefs.

    This book I'm reading talks about an epidemic, bless you, Jim, an epidemic in this world of low self esteem. You know what, if you have low self esteem of any kind, if you find yourself less than, if you think you are not equal to, you're not as good as you need to clean that crap up, because that's the pollution, right?

    I'm done comparing myself to anyone. When I do it, I will clean it up.

    But it really it's just, it's a dead end street. So much effort, much prosperity, if you are willing to really do the work, then you get to what live the results. But it means you have to be willing to let your branches break. You have to be willing to let go of what does not serve you what does not work. You have to be willing to let go of beliefs that do not serve you though the branches.

    And then you just have to clean them up. Pay attention, notice them. If it comes back again, I have a big tree, I have big trees at my house, there are going to be other branches that fall down. My job is to tell Kevin to clean them up if he's home. if I'm home, I guess my job is to do it myself.

    Ernest Holmes said this, "Let us choose to be identified with power, with love with beauty, with peace and happiness. Let us identify ourselves with abundance and with success."

    There's a lot of talk these days about how do you identify? Do you identify as him her he she the they we us a lot of talk about that. And I think it's important talk. And I think people should identify themselves however they feel comfortable, and whatever works for them.

    And we need to start identify ourselves as those things. Forget about he or she. How about happy or sad? What do you identify yourself as prosperous or lacking? Do you identify yourself as young or old? How many people here identified themselves as old? Of course, oo one's gonna raise it. Oh, okay. Okay.

    What is old? Are you do you have to be 100 to be old. Is that old? 100 100 seems like it's born again. Right? Think about it. Not born again Christian, but to be born again, to go "Oh my god, I have lived 100 freakin years. And I've seen it all. And now I have all this wisdom. And I'm ready to give it."

    We are not ready to go out to pasture because we turn a certain age. Now's when you get to show what you know, who you know yourself to be. So how are you going to identify and when I talk about identify and prosperity, it is imperative that if you want to have a prosperous life that you identify as prosperity, period. Tell your grandmother not call again. You know, start worrying. Details to follow.

    How about start planning, details to follow. Start growing rich, details to follow. Start doing what you know is in your heart to do, details to follow. Because details will follow because the universe will always show you the way. That's what that whole song is about. Life's what you make it.

    Take in all the sunshine bottle up the rain. Go where the wind goes, let it show the way. Because it does and it will and all you have to do is listen

    You know, I need to clean up and move on whatever that is.

    So the title of my talk was "Make it good." What in your life? Do you need to make good. And that could be some really gnarly crap that you need to make good that you need to look at and say, I am good with this. Now move on, I will clean up the branches, I will wear a beautiful Butch looking outfit. And I will do the work. And I will live the results.

    But most importantly, I will move on those branches. By the way, on my street. When the gardener comes this week, they will be putting out a bin unless you do it before that, and they will take the bin away. And I will never see them again. I will never deal with them again. I don't have to.

    That's what you can do with your mind. They've already fallen, whatever the branches are at them go to their perfect resting place. Let them to be regenerated into good, make it good. Make all of that stuff whatever it is whatever's going on in your life, make it good. Clean it up, and then move on.

    You know why? Because you can. Because you can. Because there is a power for good in the universe, greater than we think of ourselves sometimes as being. And we can use it by the power of our mind. Because we are it we are this amazing good. We are this prosperity, this happiness, this success, all of it. That's who we are. Just clean up the branches and start growing the new branches in the light of a brand new day. Namaste.


Here’s To Life


Giving UP!