The Universe Lifts Us Up

Rev. Karen Mitchell


Did you ever wake up feeling blah about life? And for no reason that you can think of, the day just doesn’t have that Spiritual Sparkle it usually does. You sleep-walk through the day, and have a hard time finding Joy in simple tasks. No amount of caffeine seems to jolt you out of it!

The topic for this month is Enthusiasm, and I’m going to take a Deep Dive into that on Sunday. Meanwhile, I want to share with you a true story about a sailor.

This sailor happened to be sailing the Irish coastline by himself. He had sailed this course many times before, and had never had a problem. He was still far from home when night descended. The sky was starless, and the moon was covered by dark clouds.

A strange shift in the wind became worrisome, as he tried to manage his sails in the ever-increasing storm. Then it happened. A huge rogue wave hit his ship. Now, it didn’t hit the side of the ship, or even the front, which would have been less treacherous … it hit the back of the ship, and sent him, and his ship, underwater.

Thankfully, he was tethered to the ship, but he knew he was drowning. At that moment, facing death, he suddenly had a thought. He knew his ship was made of wood, and that the nature of wood is to float. He felt that his ship actually wanted to rise above the water and float, because that was its true nature.

The next thing he knew, he was coming up for air, and his ship was rising out of the ocean … it began to float, he began to breathe, and he sailed to safety.

What this story tells me is that when we remember who we are, Life Energy (God) in form, we connect with our true nature, and rise above whatever we are “drowning” in. This week, I ask all of us to remember that our true nature is Enthusiasm, Joy, and Love. Let’s stay tethered to the ship, be awake and aware, and look for the many ways The Universe lifts us up. See you Sunday. Namasté!


Gratitude is Creative


Enthusiasm is Ageless!