Great FULL and Overflowing

Dr. James Mellon


It’s an interesting thing when you start to contemplate “gratitude” and all it encompasses. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is “What am I grateful for?” That list comes flowing out of me easily and with a grin that makes life feel good. I start with my husband and move on to my children, my family, and friends. I am so grateful for my Spiritual Centers and all the people I am blessed to have in my life thanks to the ongoing movement of our beautiful, loving spiritual community. I’m grateful for my home, my health, my mind, my creativity. Yes, I’m grateful that I still can tap dance and sing and act whenever I feel the urge to do so. I’m extremely grateful for the many opportunities that present themselves in my life to represent a philosophy of “Love Only – Forgive Everything – Remember Who You Are.” I suppose I’m grateful for it all. When you live your life from the AEP (already established premise) of “My Life is Unfolding Perfectly – No Matter What,” it’s easy to be grateful. I don’t have to know why I’m grateful, just that I Am!

Which brings me to something I’ve just recently discovered. Gratitude, is who I Am. It’s a disposition, a belief, an atmosphere of love that involves itself at the primary level of living and allows me to flow along with its vibration of pure freedom. I know that sounds a little heady (or a lot – LOL), but what it means to me is that gratitude isn’t something I do, necessarily, but something I Am. Being grateful is the way I live my life. No matter what presents itself I can know that it’s for my highest good, even if it’s to tell me “Don’t do that again!” How often do we hear that in life? Seriously, how often are we awake enough to hear when we’re involved with something that we can let go, see the good, and move on. Ernest Holmes wrote:

“The world has learned all it should through suffering.” 

I agree. And when I bask in my innate and inherent gratitude, I turn away from all the suffering and step into acceptance of all the good there is for me to have. And that’s a lot, in case you were wondering. It’s a lot for me, and it’s a lot for you, and it’s a lot for everyone who ever lived, is living, or will live. Now THAT’S something to be grateful for and to be grateful from. Great FULL to Overflowing!



Good Grief…It’s Another Holiday Season


Gratitude is Creative